
My name is Emma Love Arbogast. I live in Oregon, on the West coast of the USA.
This site is a place for me to post updates, research notes, content I find interesting, and other random bits of my intellectual life. As a multipotentialite and AuDHDer, I cycle through many interests, hobbies, obsessions, and go down many rabbit holes.
My main interests are healing and personal growth, which I pursue in a more focused way on my blog over at joyninja.com, and my newsletter at sparklydark.com. This site is for everything else I find interesting. It’s random, sporadic, and maybe a bit weird sometimes.
It’s also where I can explore all sides of everything. I am an ideator: someone who loves ideas. I love learning, sharing, exploring, and discussing them, and as such I cycle through ideas and try to hold them lightly.
For example, I am a person who:
- loves science and also studies spirituality and manifesting
- enjoys having money and also thinks capitalism is terrible
- sees how terribly human beings can behave and also believes we should abolish prison and instead invest heavily in reducing inequality, and understanding the behavioral science behind violence
- recognizes the devastating impact of oppressive systems of power and privilege, and also believes in the absolute power of the human will to manifest healing in one’s personal life
However, because this site is not my main priority. I might go long periods without posting anything. But I do try to keep the current page updated.